Friday, February 29, 2008
finally cant stand my old blog coz the template cannot make it liao n no way of fixing it coz me no IT expert... the new addy is:
juz changed one alphabet ie dream
s to dream
z coz cant tink of any new names catchy.
dearest frenz, please update ur links if u have linked me to your websites. Thanks! :)
8:18 PM star light star bright... Y
Saturday, February 02, 2008
"honeymoon" period over at work ever since my sup went on maternity leave since mid december last year. am in charge of the whole office when she not ard n so suay tis is an xtremely busy period so had so much to do that i actually had to do OT (ps. have not done any OT since i joined fr may till mid dec :P)
so much things to follow up n must see boss every day. stressed~~ he better give me higher pay increase like he promised!!!! two more months to find out!
meanwhile rushing work like hell b4 cny coz the holidays is just b4 the next meeting n got lotsa things to plan including logistics for cny lunch for 60pax n dialogue session with another dept. some more leaving for cny holidays at grandma's hse again on wed so only left 2 days to clear things b4 i leave.
pray hard hard things will go smooth smooth so that i can rest peacefully n rot in the kampung :P
anyways, celebrated yet another bday. simple bday dinner for both me n my bro cum cny reunion dinner since one bro is staying behind to take care of puppies as usual.
got a bday surprise from my two best buds in sec sch, honeybear n kimmy at 11 plus pm at nite!! was bathing n heard my pups barking like mad n wondering who was at the door when my mum came over to tell me someone had delivered some flowers n balloon to me:

it came so late that i didnt even manage to take picz with it until the next day after work coz by then i had already bathe n lazy to dress up to take picz mah :P luckily the balloon very lasting, in fact, up till today, still enough helium to stay afloat. maybe can tahan till cny then can use as cny decor :))
2:00 AM star light star bright... Y