my october so far...
counting down a few more days to my hong kong trip!! hoorrraaay~~~ h/r haven finish planning my itinerary coz was kinda busy this oct ;p have to finish blogging abt it this last wkend b4 my trip!! so here goes:
open hse @ ocs 7Oct07
matt was sent to ocs for 3 mths training n we get to visit 3wks after he's there juz like long long time ago when we visited them in ns ;p
pat trying on matt's new backpack

though visting hrs was 12, we set off ard 10plus coz gotta go pick up kfc for matt n the camp is all the way near tuas~~ h/r we still reached early ard 11plus when the registration table was yet to be set up n my bro n his pals were still trying to clean up the camp. so basically we were the 1st family to reach for his section so he was the first to be able to get out of the bunk (everyone had to wait till their family to come before they can leave their barrack)
view from the canteen to one of the main blocks. with the slight haze dat day, it felt like some tourist attraction in taiwan :P

btw, their camp felt like a chalet from the exterior, grounds were supposed to be "open-concept" and the land it occupied was so big it felt like a country club too. matt's room was a double room which felt abit "run-down" as compared to the exterior. visited their laundry room (basically a corner with lotsa strings hanging ard n with big fans to blow dry the clothes), pantry (no fridge, only hot water n wooden shelves allocated to the recruits to place their snack cum maggi collection) and saw a couple of his fellow kiddy friends (basically matt's 26 n regarded as "uncle" as compared to his camp mates who were juz out of poly or jc)
enjoying our "picnic" in the canteen

proceeded to the canteen for our little picnic coz cant eat in te rooms. the canteen was huge n quite open compared to the last one we saw in commando camp which was more like those sch canteens under the block. it was raining plus with the mist, it felt as if we were in some resort in taiwan or something like dat ;p
the only "tourist attraction" there, safti tower

went ard taking picz n to visit the safti tower which was opened to public that day. its supposed to be the tallest landmark in the western part of sg. h/r though it looked quite big fr afar, there was nothing much to do there except take a lift up to the top where there's tiny viewing view which at most can accomodate ard 16-17 pple. but there didn't seem to be pple actually doing crowd control up there so after a while, it got abit crowded :P
found the merdeka lions!! saw them on tv n remembered the originals had been relocated here fr merdeka bridge

even did a little shopping in his camp ;p apparently their in-camp supply shop was open (coz the enterprising uncle found out they were hving visits dat wkend n parents are a great source of income for te lowly pd recruits) lotsa camo styled bags n i chose one of those kaki coloured sorta like camel-pack little backpack which wld be perfect for my hk trip!! itz cheap too $19 only. girls can really shop anywhere! heheheheh~~~
view of discovery centre from top of safti tower

wah biang, so chalet like~~
selamat hari raya 13Oct07
was invited to hani's hse for hari raya on the first day. haven been there for a few years. instead of the usual chocolate which i bring along as gift, decided to make tiramisu for her n her family. a little mixed up with the recipe but it turned out ok ;p was there exactly at 2pm but seemed that i was "early" coz the others only start arriving an hr later. helped myself to the cookies n catching up with hani while waiting for her ncc frenz fr cedar.
the goodies hani's mum cooked for us

it was nice to catch up with everyone else though i was not in their batch & lotsa photo taking after enjoying good food. looking forward to next yr~
hari raya visit to nurul's hse 18Oct07
finally got to visit nurul's new hse aft she got married. travelled all the way to woodlands!! but was there early so luckily could shop ard while waiting for hani. nurul picked us up at the mrt when hani arrived. her new hse was diff fr the format of the old but equally big coz it was those two 3 rm units combined into one. very neat n nicely decorated. really those elaborate malay hses.
had fun hanging out though we didnt hv much things to do, was just happy hanging ard n watching her wedding video (with me in it :)) so by the time we had to leave it was 11plus. think me may have already missed the last train so caught a cab back with hani. quite affordable and really fast, reached hm ard 11.30.
1003 movie marathon 19Oct07no picz to show for this one coz was trying hard to keep myself awake throughout the 6 shows which lasted 12.5 hrs!! it was the 6th anniversary celebration of my favourite radio stn 1003 and they had this movie marathon @ gv marina for only $10.30 for 6 movies. was there early coz knock off early @ 5.30 and didnt there to sho p ard coz was afraid it wld waste energy ;p so juz sat outside marina to "enjoy" the nite view whilst waiting for rachel to come fr her d&d.
so happy to know we were only 2 rows from the radio djs n could see wat they were doing. we also had a pair of nice "neighbours", a couple whom we didnt know but were listeners of the stn too. had fun chatting with them n disturbing each other but too bad they had to leave early. btw, there was this part where the dj went ard asking pple which movie they were looking forward to & i told them "anna & anna" (title of one of the shows! ;p) so when the couple asked wat our names were, they didn't believe rachel when she told them my name was anna. the bf was like "don't joke lah! really???!! heheheh
the six shows were brothers, nanny diaries, 881, artic tales, 1408 & anna & anna.
the new andy lau show with the members of the ex-5 tigers of the hk entertainment industry. turned out to be a typical hk triad movie n andy was not the lead. tink eason n the other guy were the lead
typical romantic comedy but not fluffy enough for one
gave review b4... 2nd round not as fun but still felt the last scene was touching
pls kill me~~ it was the wrong idea to show a documentary like show @ 2/3am in the morning! it was interesting n informative but the pace was kinda slow n drove most of the pple asleep, including rachel! ;p i knocked off a few min in btw but still manage to catch almost the whole show
great horror show!! really woke all of us up! haven watched a nice horrow show in so long. both me n rachel thot it was the best show among the 6.
drove pple like rachel to sleep permanently thru'out the whole show but me managed to keep myself awake. pace was too slow. plot was like "sliding doors" abt the 2 diff set of life this lady anna wld lead if she had chosen diff path. h/r this was more exaggerated as it depicts story of her actually splitting into 2 persons.
luckily there were 15 min breaks in btw where the lights were on n the djs were "entertained" us abit n asked quiz. of coz, lotsa snacks were required but no drinks coz will need to go toilet :P finally finished at 9plus in the morning but still managed to have breakfast b4 sleeping all the way back on the mrt.
nice experience coz it felt like those sch camps where nobody slept n dun mind going again!
may's wedding 24Oct07

was invited to be "translator" @ cycy's sister-in-law's wedding coz she's marrying a jap!! so envious rite! some more she's relocating to japan! actually didn't help out much coz had problem explaining stuff n need a new more comprehensive electronic dictionary!!!
the solemnisation

actually went to help out on sunday after my jap class. went to tanjong pagar to meet them at the wedding studio where the bride n groom were trying out their stuff. was there to entertain the m-i-l coz no one in the rest of the family including the bride (who's just started learning) knew jap. tink she must have felt wierd abt who i was but at least i kept her occupied :P brought her to china town with cycy, hubs n her in-laws while the couple busied themselves with documents in the hotel. didn't bring any camera so couldn't take picz. was surprised to find out the m-i-l was well versed in comp at the age of 61 n actually read up on sg n hence knew some of the stuff so i did't have to crack my head to explain much. also had dinner with them dat nite @ expo.
cycy's meimei & her boy boy

actual wedding on wed so had to take half day off. luckily it was nearby @ amara so could juz walk there & luckily it was a cloudy day so nvr melt on my way there. was quite surprised most of the guest had arrived so early n i was ushered to meet the jap in-laws. happened that the couple had a colleague who could really speak fluent jap n he totally outshined me n i was really paiseh coz proved to be a very bad translator afterwards :P
cycy as emcee for the day

there weren't any communication btw the groom n his parents abt the wedding details so they seemed pretty lost esp since i had trouble explaining these traditions stuff to them. the father-in-law is abit stricter looking then the friendly m-i-l n his jap was more chim so many a times, the m-i-l had to explain again in simpler jap to me b4 i could understand them. kinda stressed throughout the ceremony while trying to provide company to the culturally shocked in-laws.
popping champaign (notice the captain/head waiter? he accidentally popped their original bottle of champaign b4 the couple marched in n had to get them a new complementary bottle)

cycy managed to bring a smile to the in-laws face when she read out the 2 liner intro in jap which i thot her esp when she got a few words wrong in the being which made the f-i-l laughed. was glad they went ard taking table shots coz dat means i get to rest abit. anyways, me n cycy hated the photographer who was so unfriendly n assertive thus adding on the tense atmosphere faced by the jap in-laws.
the whole family

was invited to dinner dat nite at cycy's in-laws place together with the couple n jap in-laws. atmosphere was better at home coz it was cosier. though i still had to try hard to translate esp had problems with names of food ;p btw the groom was also abit wierd coz he doesnt like to translate stuff for his parents n aft a while started speaking me in jap even though he knew english.
overall stressed but nice experience for me to practice my jap once in a while. btw, cycy n hubs will be going with me to jap next yr. yeah~~ gonna visit the jap m-i-l n couple in yokohama n maybe might get free accomodation :)
lazy...lazy to blog lately... partially lazy to upload photos n dun really like to touch pc at home. prefer reading :P
also suppose to busy planning my hk trip which i am counting down exactly 2 wks fr now. lotsa planning to do, halfway thru my itinerary n still planning to squeeze all those places i wanna go into our 5 days but had to ensure not too tight coz dad n mum may not be able to take it ;p... also consolidating a list of places n how to get there n tick pxs, opening hrs etc... next time whoeva wanna go f&e in hong kong can get a copy from me liao heheheheheh~~~
these few days also busy, today going woodlands for hari raya visiting, tomolo going for movie maraton fr 17.5hrs fr 9pm onwards!! dunno how i can tahan also, 6 movies in a row. its only $10.30 coz my favourite radio stn fm 100.3 has a promo. planning to bring along my cushion (which can turn in a blanky) n sneak lotsa snacks to keep me awake liao ;p
also signed up for another yoga class at my cc (suppose to start today but going visiting so skip 1st lesson liao). much cheaper but cant bear to quit the current one yet coz like the instructor coz familiar with her liao. tink will stick to it till she shifts to new studio.