Thursday, August 30, 2007
random post...heard "f there're seasons" would be having a 2nd run!! yeah~~~ BUT 2 YEARS LATER IN 2009!!!! such a long time to wait *sobz*... must make sure i buy ticks for at least 2 shows the next time ;p
looking forward to 97C05 class gathering tis sun!! itz been 10yrs since jc so thot would organise one. turnout not too bad, more than half the class confirm coming. yeah~~~
6:34 AM star light star bright... Y
Saturday, August 25, 2007
wat i've been up to...
1) movie 881
brought mum n dad to watch 881 in the cinemas even though mum insisted she wanted to wait till the vcd comes out which will be zillion of years later. its been a while since i actually paid for tickets coz due to the price increase, hasn't really went to watch movies and the last few movies i went for were actually free (lucky draw, radio stations ;p) evn though spent ard $40 for the ticks n popcorn, thot it was worth it coz i knew mum n dad would enjoy the movies and even though they thot the ticks were ex all dat, they went ard telling everyone i brought them to the movies and could "boast" that they watched the movie, which is one of the most talk abt local firm of the year.
overall the movie wasnt too bad and quite touching. h/r would have preferred it without all those special effects which were abit fake.
2) "if there're seasons..."
sneaked off alone to watch a show in the theatres again. it was at the drama centre at national library again. 2nd local production i've watched. the other was "the magic fundoshi", an english show whereas this time round, this was a chinese production. had gone to watch it not because it turned out to be a sell-out performance (was tempted to watch again but when i checked, there weren't any left ;p) but had heard abt the show on the radio and was tempted to go watch juz because of the song and which was the title of the show 《天冷就回来》by kit chan. love the song all along esp the lyrics are so touching.

since the show was at 8, had plenty of time to have dinner at hans right below the library and even had time to borrow a few books, catch up on my reading and make reservations for a bk ;p
didnt expect the show to be a musical and was really glad i went to watch it coz it was GREAT, the plot, the familiar songs (whose tunes were slightly rearranged to give it a more modern feel and to match the scenario), the stage decor etc etc. the voices of the main actors George Chan aka A-Le (didnt recogise him but he was the judge on the tv show "dance floor") and Sebastian Tan aka A-Qiang (as in the famous sebastian tan in the theatre scene) were absolutely great esp Sebastian Tan. as for the female leads, i preferred Joanna Dong aka Rose. Magdalene See aka Xiao Jing's voice was abit wierd or was it due to over singing for so many days of performance. they were really singing their hearts out throughout the whole show.
story was touching, abt A-Le leaving Sg to US to pursue his dreams in the music industry after the death of his childhood sweetheart, Xiao Jing dies. he meets A-Qiang, a fellow singaporean there and joins him to work in a pizza restaurant ran by a singaporean boss and a group of singaporean employees of which many of youngsters were also there to pursue their dreams. A-Le also met Rose who aspires to be a broadway actress and fell in love with her. h/r none were really successful and eventually A-Le decides to return to Sg after A-Qiang goes off to Canada with his gay lover (which was a huge surprise in the show n kind funny n wierd at the same time to hear them belting out love songs to each other ;p) and Rose goes off with a Director from broardway who offers her a lead role if she accompanies him to vegas. of coz there had to be a happy ending with Rose and the whole gang returning to sg to continue pursuing their dreams in their motherland and Xiao Jing, who appears as a spirit throughout the whole show, giving her blessings to A-Le and Rose.
loved the familiar songs and was singing along to some of them. i was able to appreciate the lyrics more when it related to the scenes in the show. love the cemetry backdrop very much esp the huge tree trunk which looked so real. the show was worth every single cent (i bought the cheapest $16 but drama centre is not that huge anyway) and the show was more 2 hr plus fr 8pm to nearly 11pm.
hope they'll have a 2nd run of the show n i'll definitely drag more friends along to watch!
3) digital fortress
finally got to reading the last of the 4 bks series i bought. didnt really like "digital fortress" and "deception point". preferred "angels and demons" and "da vinci code" maybe coz the latter ones dealt more with historical sites as contrary to the former two which were more scientific.
5:12 AM star light star bright... Y
Friday, August 17, 2007
great day today!!despite the fact that i had to work till 6 instead of 5.30pm, had a generally great day today!!
first of all, managed to get foc cute bags which came together with seventeen magazines ;p
2nd, great weather! love rainy cool days~~ (abit siaoz coz actually suppose to be sunny coz we going sentosa tomolo)
3rd and most imptly.... one of the members in the meeting, a professor in a local uni, praised the great job i did with last month's meeting minutes in front of all the members and my boss V(^-^)V ... h/r even though boss credit mentioned me, he also added that he n my sup were part of the effort loh. harrow~~ i spent a wk on it leh, 40++ pages (previously minutes normally over 10pg less than 20 hor) completed with "research" online on the case studies n chim technical terms they mentioned leh. am pretty proud of it too and knew the prof would appreciate it coz i manage to find out the exact names of the persons and company he mentioned in his example even though i'm not a graduate in that profession. had to tell my whole family about it!!! heheheheh~~
4thly, got to sit beside 2 diff shuai shuai (not suay hor, handsome lah) members today and one was really those model material. heh heh ;p
lastly, had a nice dinner to celebrate pat's coming bday with the whole family at the park opp. great food n had lotsa fun chatting with jo *smiles~~*
hope it doesn't rain tomolo so that i can get to meet up with my sis to go sentosa! pray hard hard~~
11:50 PM star light star bright... Y
join in the swap!!actually found out abt swapping a few months fact while randomly surfing the web. took a while for me to find a swap partner and since then i've completed 3 swaps with 1 more to go. here's a peep at what i've received so far:
1st swap with CARA from australia
2nd swap with RANDI from vermont, usa
3rd swap with THANH from san diego, usa
go check out my other blog purely dedicated to swapping and if you wanna join in the fun, go to
have one more swap with federica from italy before i stop for a while coz it's kinda of an expensive hobby, at $50 per package, half the cost of the items, the other postage (which i found out was excesively ex!!). have to save up for my hong kong trip in nov! have started planning the itinerary and it seems pretty easy to get ard hk. only prob now is whether to book budget air online n hotel separately or go tour agency or wait for natas. no air tick promo lately leh, so sianz~~ hope i can finalise stuff for the trip soon!!
10:10 AM star light star bright... Y
Monday, August 13, 2007
outing with ex-jap class friends
had a gathering with our ex-jap class gang @ vivo to catch up with grace who's back for a short break b4 going back to japan for her jap course for another 6mths. chose vivo coz grace hasnt been there yet since she left in sep last yr n vivo only opened in dec. dave n wife turned up unexpectedly coz @ dave was supposed to be still in libya, which is a nice surprise coz makes the group bigger n "livelier" :P
the whole gang

dinner @ fig & olive whose pasta doesnt taste nice, even cheapo pasta mania tasted nice ;p wondered ard vivo after dinner so that grace can see see look look abit.
the outdoor area is really becoming a popular area for people to hang out either juz to chit chat or even picnic at nite. it was quite diff to find a nice spot to sit down with so many people ard. settled for coffee at toastbox inside food republic (speaking of which, was surprised that only 2 of us in the group have been to the foodcourt there n noticed the nice decor there. tink not enough publicity ;p). both the food court n toast box were opened till quite late, ard 10.50 so itz a great n cheap place to hang out in comparison to the other reatuarants n coffee places :)
great catching up with everyone once in a while. hope to meet up soon!! (hopefully not wait all the way until dave n wife's baby's 1st mth next yr hor ;p)
grace n julie at toastbox

candid short of tan-san by dave

another candid shot

me was too fast for the camera... heheheheh~~
12:25 PM star light star bright... Y