after 3 farewell treats n a gruelling mth of OT, the day has finally come...
farewell gifts (from left): bouquet made by rina, watches by pple @ hq n pple in amk, sakae froggy which came together with my lunch treat
dropped off at serangoon central to pick up some cakes for my colleagues as well as nice porridge which i had been craving for...
best bud rina n her lovely bouquet
thanks all for the gift :) spent 1st hr distributing cake n socialising while the rest of the day was spent trying to clear stuff n at the same time handover my stuff to my successor... quite chaotic esp towards the end where i was still trying to teach n clarify things with my successor n at the same time fill up my ot form n stupid exit interview survey form. couldnt make it back to head office at 4.30pm for the exit interview n had to call up to postpone.
the accts pple
last min farewells with the whole office b4 rushing off to head office BUT not before being caught in the rain n had to take a cab down due to time constraint. upon reaching, had to still rush ard to pass things to boss for signatory, pass donuts to tne rest of the gang, pass forms to IT n finally hv the exit interview. luckily it was short n sweet so had some more time to catch up with the others n manage to squeeze in some last min picz.
cindy, me & the tai tais
spent the evening out with cindy, whoz also leaving. hung out at bugis st aft dinner... alas, still can relax yet coz gotta go back, i.e foc, to clear up stuff n filing which i cant finish n cant stand my successor nagging me for the whole day ;p
the young ones :P
kidnapping eva's babies