CNY 2007
happi cny!!
juz got back fr KL this afternoon... reached rather early ard 12plus coz we made sure we left KL early this morning to avoid the possible massive jam at the checkpoints...
days leading to cny...
was busy rushing work coz of the short mth in addition to the public holidays. wun hv much time to complete my work if i dun rush coz mth end closing wld be the 2nd day after the holidays.
besides dat, was busy shopping for cny goodies n decor for both the home n grandma's hse. there were lotsa things to buy at the mkt nearby my office so didnt hv to go elsewhere to get them. h/r made sure i went to places like bugis st n china town to soak (literally "soak" coz the weather was so hot :P) in the cny atmosphere. was more photo taking n window shopping coz didnt hv much to buy.
china town
the famous bah kua
shop cny decor
crowded streets
clear blue sky
bugis st
cute cny decor
my cornflake cookies :)) cny holidays
had planned to travel in to m'sia on fri, but bro decided to join us n wasnt willing to take leave so postponed to sat. BUT he changed his mind again on thurs morning n decided to bring forward the trip to fri again ;p... had to inform my parents of the last min change n had to do OT to finish the work i had planned to do on fri. on top of dat had to make more cornflake cookies to bring back to m'sia n pack for the trip.
left for the trip early coz the jams have started since thurs but was still stuck in abit of a jam at the causeway which i didnt mind coz me was asleep most of the trip anyway ;)
day b4 cny eve
gave our aunt a surprise coz we didnt inform them we were going in early n didnt mention we were dropping over her hse in KL at all so she was kinda shock to find us at her doorstep ;p.. did some last min shopping @ the mall nearby n slept over at their hse b4 proceeding early the next day to grandma's hse to hv reunion dinner.
cny eve 
grandma was also surprised coz was expecting us to arrive ard evening so hadnt start preparing food etc. the kampong was oredi crowded by the time we got back. it wld be normally kinda quiet on normal days coz most of the youngsters have gone to the city areas to seek a living n onli came back during special occasions. the shops n coffeeshops were mostly opened n some even remained open throughout cny. spent most of the morning wondering ard the kampong n checking shops for fire crackers.
nite view of streets

the youngest aunt n her family arrived in the afternoon to spend the holidays with us @ grandma's hse. the actual fun onli began at nite near midnite coz all the bengs, lians n uncles in the kampong came out to camp at the coffee shops n started playing fire crackers in the main street. tink thousands of $$ were spent on the firecrackers dat nite itself even though there was this new ruling by the m'sian govt there it wasnt allowed n a fine wld be imposed for any firecracker paper outside one's hse. h/r some still said it was allowed during certain hrs in the kampongs but tink nobody took any notice at all anyway. there were even fireworks display in the kampong!! heard you could easily get one if you are willing to spend a few hundred dollars. didnt take much picz of the fireworks n firecrackers coz 1stly, usually the fireworks wld explode out of no where n didnt hv much reaction time to capture them n as for the outrageous fireworks display (including, bikers dragging long rounds of firecrackers along the st, guys trying to act macho by running along with firecrackers in their hands or swinging firecrackers like whips round n round in the air, making use of vehicle used to repair street lamps to hang firecrackers in the air etc etc) along the streets, took mostly videos instead coz also scared the bengs come aft me ;p
small firecrackers
cny day 1
woke up for roti chenai aka roti prata in an indian shop nearby. spent rest of morning catching up on our sleep but was woken up by the xtreme heat in the hse. it wld start to bake in grandma's hse in the afternoon if there wasnt any rain. rushed to take a bath the moment i woke up. bugged my aunt to bring us to the river nearby for a swim n to cool down which they finally relented by but due to the horrid conditions of the road leading there, they wld onli drop us off at the rubber plantation n we had to make our way there on foot ard 1km plus but it was worth it.
firecrackers laced streets the morning after
remains fr the fun the day b4 the river was more crowded than usual by we found a spot where there werent much pple to park our things. water was so cooling n refreshing n there were even another group of chinese guys having a bbq beside the river nearby. we tah bao drinks n food there in case we got hungry n it was really great being able to soak in the river while hving a picnic, something which we wun be able to experience in sg :)
bbq further up the river
my bro cousins n uncle
me :P went over to visit the relatives nearby at nite when it turned cooler. nvr seen most of them but it didnt mind coz knew my parents had a good time catching up with them of which some they hv seen in 20 over yrs coz the last time we spent cny there was more than 10yrs ago.
had yu sheng when we got back n managed to hv a mini bbq at grandma's hse afterall using a really old pit we found :P
cny day 2
the other 2 aunts arrive to visit in the afternoon n out of the sudden groups of unknown relatives arrived n the hse became overcrowded that some had to sit outside the hse or in the kitchen later when it rained. since we had lotsa food prepared, anyone who visited could juz sit down for a meal if they hungry. collected lotsa angbaos even though my bro kept insisting we were too old for it ;p... helped to serve drinks n wash up aft the guest left...
left for KL in the evening to avoid possible jam fr the kampong to the town the next day but was still caught in a jam n had to take a detour ard the kampong n mountain roads. saw genting highlands fr a distance coz it was the onli hill which was "shining" out of nowhere amongst the rest of the hills...
cny day 3
left aunt's hse at 7 for dim sum b4 the other aunt n her family led us to the highway entrance.
overall it was kinda refreshing to spend time in the kampong but it kinda got bored aft spending 2 n half days there coz the hse wld start to bake if there werent any rain. there wasnt any nice tv shows n was too warm to do all those homework i had brought along.
back to work tomolo. sianz~~
so fast, cny juz round the corner, nuz next wkend... arh~~~ haven finish spring cleaning my room ;p
most prob going over to my grandma's kampong to celebrate cny tis yr. really looking forward to it. had planned to go last yr n celebrate my bday at the same time (happen dat my bday was the 1st day of cny last yr) but unfortunately, dad had gone for an op juz the nov b4 so couldnt go.
had been more than 10yrs since we last went back to m'sia for cny. hoping to be able to get my hands on some fire crackers there! heh heh~~ looking forward to meeting all the relatives n distant relatives who would go back to the kampong for cny, it'll be more festive as compared to sg where we seldom go visiting.
planning to do so many things there, like playing fire crackers every nite, going to the river nearby for a swim n picnic, bbq (not confirmed yet coz my mum tinks i'm crazy when i suggested to her dat day :P) etc etc... also starting to buy goodies n decor to decorate grandma's hse :)
looking forward to trip :))