Friday, December 29, 2006
stupid internet connection...
realised couldnt log on to certain websites early wed. then found out due to quake off taiwan, cable under the ocean damaged so internet access to overseas sites in most ctries in our region affected.
cant log on to my yahoo mail (so dunno can send out resume tis wkend as planned or not ;p n luckily i oredi printed out a copy of my online flight booking, if not how to go bangkok next mth).. oredi veri bored with closing n now cant log in to blogs to read. so sianz...
authorities say the situation is improving but they also say the repairs will take a few weeks...
meanwhile sianz~~
7:10 AM star light star bright... Y
Saturday, December 23, 2006
company x'mas party 
finally hv time to post picz unfortunately coz couldnt go work today as main switch of building off for maintenance so have to go back on x'mas eve instead *sobs*
buffet spread

anyway, posting some pics of the party. tink tis yr took less picz coz forgot to ask them to pose for departmental group photos n me didnt hv time to take picz with the others as well. didnt participate in any of the games this yr coz part organiser n pretend to be photographer so spent most of the time standing ard n chit chatting while games r in progress. yupz n also shouting a lot to get pple to play games n make annoucements. tink a couple of the games took alot longer time then expected so the party dragged on abit. so by the time it got to my treasure hunt, it was oredi past 3 n we still had a lucky draw after dat.
games in progress
gift exchange gifts
as i hv mentioned, the treasure hunt went ok except maybe in the beginning coz they really get wat the pictures in the clues were esp disadvantageous for those fr my office coz they werent familiar with the environment. but even those who were there had difficulty guessing some of them n i had to drop hints to whoever came to me.
example of clues: came in black n white picz which i took this morning. tis one is a random potted artifical plant along the corridor
sign above fire hose
didnt win any big prize for lucky draw, even though they made it a pt that everyone got a prize, whether big or small, me got a basket of drinks fr our own co. so couldnt be bothered to lug it all the way back to my office thus left it behind for my other colleagues to shr.
lucky draw prizes
yah yah, was forced to give a speech to all the others which i blabbered nonsense of coz... biang kena saboed ;p
11:10 PM star light star bright... Y
Thursday, December 21, 2006
finally over...
dept x'mas party finally over. yeah~~~ after all the hard work n planning, finally got it over with so that can concerntrate on mth end closing. will post picz over wkend coz lazy to upload now. in the end my treasure hunt turned out ok coz pple were actually willing to participate but the actual setting up of the game was abit rush coz onli really go thru the locations thus found some pre-planned locations cant be used and had to improvise new ones and had to replan routes as well as had to prepare all the clues last min coz me used pictures taken today morning. also realised i forgot to bring my gift exchange gift coz had so many things to bring n had to get my dad to go pick up for me after he oredi drove me there in the morning ;p.
h/r day was spoilt by idiotic supplier who kept calling for their chq, so stupid juz coz they are all forced to take annual leave fr 22dec to 08jan, they expect pple to rush things for them. unreasonable b****. cant be bothered to listen to her grumble so juz put phone away fr my ear n rot until she silences ;p... also stupid courier company! so inefficient!!!
11:30 PM star light star bright... Y
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
random post
rushed down fr work to catch the movie "night at the museum" on monday. by the time i reached ard 6.40, there was oredi a long q coz it was free seating. decided to join q after redeeming ticks fr another counter, tiff wasnt there yet when they started allowing pple to enter so i went in 1st to "chope" seats. h/r realised i actually went to a wrong cinema when i came out to pass tiff her tick, i.e. there were 2 cinemas hving the same preview, went 3 instead of 7 but the uncle was really nice n allowed us to enter aft i "beg" him ;p
really nice movie! veri funny. laugh throughout the whole show. itz those kinda movie that u dun hv to think much abt n juz enjoy it. great for holidays! go watch it.
managed to complete my co. finance party shopping coz me actually dumped the remaining budget back to my other colleagues for them to settle. so concerntrating on planning my game. going over there early on thurs to prepare. wasnt gd at coming out with clues for treasure hunt so decided to use pictures instead. going over to take black n white pics as clues. managed to plan the locations in advance n how the game shd b played. hope everything goes well!
btw, x'mas came early. oredi got 2 prezzies fr colleagues ;p
7:30 AM star light star bright... Y
Monday, December 18, 2006
weekend shopping
did lotsa shopping the past weekend. tink pple should actually list shopping as a sports coz it involved lotsa walking, i.e. visited taka, vivo city, plaza sg, hereen, cineleisure, tamp n even jb malaysia, and weight lifting, i.e. had to carry a few kilo of gifts all ard town n back to tamp for more shopping (hand still pain today, tink too much friction fr carrying so many thingy ;p)
was on leave on fri coz clearing leave n since mum is also on leave, went to jb with my parents to shop shop since there's a sale going on n since they didnt really had much time to shop the other time round. went off to city sq 1st as usual. went to our favourite hong kong "char chan teng" there for brunch b4 shopping ard. surprisingly managed to buy more things tis time round.
was done with city sq by 3 so decided to pop on a cab to aeon tebrau city coz my parents have nvr been there n wanted to take a look. cost rm15 to get there coz it was really far in unlike city sq. tink they preferred aeon more coz there was jusco n the huge supermarket there (where they bought heavy things like bottles of soya sauce which i ended up lugging back to sg n fr queen st to bugis mrt n all the way fr mrt back hm :p)
by the end of the trip, i had exhausted my rm supply n had to go change more :p... shopped till 7plus so by the time we reach queen st terminal, it was 8plus (luckily no jam). no pics to show though coz was lazy to bring cammy along.
rest of weekends was spent wandering around town, vivo n tamp sourcing for gifts/prezzies for the dept x'mas party. had to really crack my head to find things that are cheap n practical and constantly writting everything down in a notebook n keep track of how much i hv spent. but think ended up with lotsa of cutesy stuff which i cant resist. too bad for the guys minority in the office who gets them loh ;p. even bought electrical appliances so would hv problem bringing them to the office. luckily they have budgeted my cab fare to bring those things over fr hm.
did take some pics of the gifts but cant post them coz wait tiffy, i.e. colleague in office, sees them :P
have also finalised on my game but lotsa things hv to be done on the actual day itself, like preparing the clues n hidding them coz me in another office bldg so cant prepare in advance.
looking forward to the celebrations though :))
7:00 AM star light star bright... Y
Thursday, December 14, 2006
free movies...
have not been to the movies for a while coz a) no time b) so ex during wkends ;p
anyway, managed to get free ticks to 2 movies, the first "the last kiss" and the other "night at the museum". got the former fr some makeup event organised by a mag and the latter via radio contest :P
tink the "night at the museum" would b nice coz saw the trailer oredi, cant wait to watch it :))
10:00 PM star light star bright... Y
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
so fast gonna be x'mas oredi. unfortunately me still in the same company so am involved in planning for the x'mas party for our finance dept. even though we have shifted out of the head office bldg, we are still going back there for the x'mas n me was volunteered by the rest of the accts pple here to help out with the planning again as usual ;p
am "in-charge" of more things than previous yrs despite me not being there physically. suppose to plan the games and was given a budget last min to go buy lucky draw prezzies n prizes for games by myself. on top of which x'mas has to always coincide with mth-end and quarterly closing so hv to cope with closing n get things ready for x'mas at the same time.
9:40 PM star light star bright... Y
Sunday, December 10, 2006
nurul's wedding
spent the entire weekend this week attending kamaliah's wedding. was actually invited to the dinner on the 1st day when normally friends and colleagues are invited but kamaliah said we could go both days so went on sunday as well to kaypo coz nvr attended a malay wedding (waited for 10yrs for my malay sec sch classmates to get married ;p) n wanted to see the wedding procession on sunday :P
unlike chinese weddings, the dinner itself didnt take as long. it starts ard 7plus n ends ard 9plus. we got there abit late due to poor time estimation (haven been so far up north for years, had to travel all the way from pasir ris to woodlands!!). onli 3 of us were able to make it on sat so the rest were mostly kamaliah's colleagues from the sch which she n her hubby r teaching at. dinner was buffet style n it was pretty crowded when we reached there so onli managed to find seats right at the back so couldnt really see wat was happening in front. the 3 of entertained ourselves with food n spent time catching up coz we havent met up in awhile. they had an emcee to host the dinner n not those pple who hire bands to play live. halfway thru dinner, the emcee tried to liven things up by walking round "disturbing" guest n got on with the cake cutting ceremony all that. but b4 dat, the groom sang a song for the bride using the karaoke system they set up for all including guests (none actually sang on the 1st day though).
after the performance etc, the guests queued up for photo taking with the couple n at the same time, pple started forming a queue and starting leaving for the nite so it took awhile b4 we had the chance to take pics with them. hung round for awhile aft dat to take some more pics b4 calling it a nite ard 10. me, hazimah n hani in the back row :)
day 2 had to wake up earlier coz had to meet the others at woodlands at 11.30. turned out sun wasnt as crowded when we arrived coz the whole duration of the reception was fr 11am-5pm, in btw of which the groom came ard 1plus with his wedding procession to fetch the bride to his hse n later they will come back to the wedding recept at the bride's hse again. pretty hot weather today so me n hani were melting but later it became cloudier n we managed to get a good seat where there was actually some breeze. went up to pop by the bride's hse the moment we reached but realised she had juz started preparing only ard 11plus n so wondered round the hse by ourselves to see the bridal room n gifts n dowry spread out in the room. resorted to camwhoring using the camera timer to take pics by ourselves coz there werent anyone else ard ;pme n the gang (so stupid, nvr put cammy properly so can see cupboard ;P)
the gifts n dowry in the elaborately decorated bridal room
oohh~~ cakes went down for food (nasi bryani today! yeah~~) n waited till nearly 1pm b4 the bride finally got ready n made her way down to the recept. b4 dat, was "disturbed" by the emcee who unfortunately recognised me n my fren fr the day b4 n since there werent much pple ard to disturb, came to our table to disturb us n trying to get us to sing karaoke which we didnt of coz ;p... there were actually pple who sang today, 2 uncles of which 1 seemed to be a pretty gd singer whom we concluded hv been practising at hm n "performing" at all the weddings he was invited to :P
our group was planning to leave aft taking photos with the bride but me n yong2 stayed awhile more coz me wanted to take pics of the groom's arrival n wedding procession etc. was quite surprised they also hv those "block the door n ask for ang bao" part except theirs was block the passage way of the groom n gang n anyone could do it so they blocked by at least 3-4 groups of pple b4 they finally made their way to the wedding recept where they stopped halfway for a ceremony which involves a few pple making some dance/martial arts move but since there werent anyone to explain to us, we didnt quite understand wat was going on. finally b4 the groom got to see the bride, there was this lady, sorta like a chinese matchmaker who holds this fan to cover the bride's face and asks for an ang bao b4 she uncovers the bride n the groom finally got to seat down.
us n the bride (was forced to sit in front coz no one else wanted to :P)
the "fierce" looking group guarding the passage way with wat look like oars but were actually used for cooking rice ;p
groom n procession bargaining in process
the procession
pple crowding round to catch a view of ceremony
eager bride being covered by a fan
asking for ang bao
assume to be father in law saying prayers for the couple overall it was worth me going all the way far north, being able to experience a wedding ceremony diff to all the chinese ones which i hv been to and most imptly, getting to meet up with pple whom i hv not met in yrs, frenz fr 10-11yrs back fr sec sch days (so old liao! arh~~~)... now left only indian wedding which i nvr attended but dun hv any really close indian frenz leh... must go "find" one :P
11:20 PM star light star bright... Y
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
yupz sick again. started with a mild flu on friday n ended up with 3 days of mc. hv to go back to work tomolo after 6 days of rest, quite stressed coz expecting certain suppliers to chase me for payments ;p
didnt do much these few days except for visiting ikea and attend 2 weddings over the weekend. rest of time was spent lying around the hse, literally, coz feel really tired n too lazy to do anything. spent most of the time catching up on my reading.
finally managed to find the book i was looking for in the library, had been looking in the wrong place all this while. the book is "tuesdays with morrie" by mitch albom. had actually read his other book " the five pple you meet in heaven" and really liked it coz the story actually makes you think abt stuff in ur life. aft reading "five", it gets you wondering who would be those pple who had actually made an impact in your life knowing or unknowingly and u wld try to list/guess who these 5 pple will be. it also makes u wonder whether you had played a part in influencing someone else's life as well with your actions.
1st of all, reading "tuesday" when you are sick is not advisable as the story turns out to be pretty "depressing". it talks abt how a professor suddenly faces death and how an old student comes back into his life and attends a weekly "lesson" every tuesday to talk abt how one faces death and diff aspects of life.
esp like the part abt the professor had tis idea to hold his own funeral service even b4 he died as he felt that it was a pity the dead could not hear those lovely words spoken abt them at the service aft attending a friend's funeral. it makes you think abt not being able to express ourselves and feelings when we had the opportunities and how we always had to wait till it is too late n having to live in regret tinking of wat we had missed out.
11:30 PM star light star bright... Y