Wednesday, September 20, 2006
military coup in thailand...
was quite shocked to see the headlines of the newspaper tis morning juz as i was stepping out of the house. apparently there had been a military coup in thailand yesterday n the military had taken over govt while pm thaksin is in US at the moment...
nvr expect a coup to happen in thailand even though political situation hv been unstable since early this yr... was worrying abt how long tis wld last n how it might affect my trip there in jan next yr when i suddenly realised my bro was actually over in bangkok for a biz trip at the moment... even though i am quite sure everything wld be ok coz itz a bloodless coup n even though there were demonstrations earlier in the yr when i went but everything still seemed fine to us tourist at that time BUT those images of troops taking over streets of bangkok and all those warning by local n foreign govt to citizens in thailand are pretty worrying.
p.s. bro smsed back to say everything quite calm over at bangkok at the moment..
8:15 AM star light star bright... Y
Saturday, September 16, 2006
11:59 PM star light star bright... Y
Friday, September 15, 2006
company "fun day" @ macritchie
went off the walk-a-jog ard 2pm... company sent a 48 seater bus to pick us but there were only abt slightly more than 10 pple on the bus ;p looks still the same
when we got there, almost all the others from the other subsidiaries were already there. mingled ard abit till we were asked to go to the starting point which was so damn far! tink a few hundred metres juz to walk to starting point n it was scorching hot... had a migraine when i got home last nite so had to take a panadol b4 i went to of my colleague is down with mc for migraine n the other who went to see a doctor last nite for cough had a temperature of 38.something n her doctor insisted she has fever n needed mc ;p
the jogging pathway was exactly the same 10yrs ago, still the granite stones n pot holes n some parts were even likely slippery, not to mention the horrid uphill parts ;p... but at least it was cooling inside the shade... wished i had more time to explore those new wooden pathways lined along the water edge but we had a time limit so non stop walking... kept losing sign of my original bunch of colleagues so ended up changing partners twice... the worst part of the walk was the final slope leading to the exit to the roadside pathway. even though it didnt look dat steep, it was quite a long slope n at the end of it, u have to walk another km beside a dusty expressway with oplluted air...dunno whos the idiot who plan such routes ;p... we did see monkeys! heres mummy n baby :)
pathway along the reservoir
a buffet waited us at the end of the walk but who the hell can eat? apparently you would be surprise that many did had the appetite to eat but not me, waited at least 15min b4 i could eat. by then all others had taken their shr so i didnt hv to q n could juz stand ard to eat...
fried wanton, noodles, soon kueh, samosa...
egg tart n pizza we didnt participate in the telematches so wondered round taking pics n chatting with colleagues... in the end decided to join my it colleagues on top of the slope overlooking the carpark till the event is ending b4 popping down for the closing speech n bus ride hm...
us on top of the slope
7:40 AM star light star bright... Y
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
moodless day in office ;p
going for a company walk-a-jog tis afternoon.... yes, itz a weekday n we r suppose to be hving financial audit but apparently our new ceo thot it be gd dat we have a huge company outing to macritchie, which i haven been to in 10yrs!! yah, dat long, ever since sec 4, cant believe itz oredi 10 yrs!!!
no mood to work in the office... haven done much except open some mails n driving auditors who come n bug me crazy :P.... cant wait to go coz it wld b a great gathering for me to meet my colleagues back at the old office bldg n brought cammy along to take lotsa picz... have all decided to stroll n take pics along the way... dun tink can jog anymore even though we do have a time limit of 40min to complete 3.2km ;p
12:35 PM star light star bright... Y
Sunday, September 10, 2006
sat @ marina/far east
went with rachel for k session @ kbox marina... both of us were late so by the time we actualy got there, it was oredi 11.20..luckily we had made reservations coz by then, they hv run out klunch for the walk in customers...
rachel (see how huge the room was ;p)
me :P
the room they gave us was huge as u can see fr the pics, could at least fit 6-7pple! however service was not dat go coz we onli got our drinks an hr later n food 2hrs later by which we were starving coz both didnt hv any breakfast yet ;p... the new menu didnt taste as nice as it looks on the ad.. in comparison, wld hv preferred the oredi miserable previous menu... the chicken tasted so raw then i nearly puke... the jelly was horrid too... btw all the food were cold when they were served... only liked to cucumber salad n octopus....
bento set (from top left: jello, octopus, salad. bottom left: rice with pork floss topping, grossly undercooked bbq chicken)
shopped ard after the k session but stopped halfway through to catch the dance competition which was held dat day... the dancers werent too bad, esp like those cute kids were could really dance, not those kiddy dances but hip hop.. u can see how precise their movements were n how well they remember the steps n how naturally they execute the dance.. kids nowadays are surprisingly talented... there were even solo performers, of which a few were kids too... sheik haikel n 2 veri nerdy looking guys who happen to be beat box champions at a recent comp ;p
solo by this really pretty eurasian gal who wld def grow up to be a babe!
a malay group which did veri well, not sure whether they won in the end coz we wondered off ;p
went back to shopping for prezzies which we managed to get pretty fast... service @ sk was really good, the moment we went in, the staff brought us chairs n 2 cups of blackcurrent tea.. even though ours may not be a big purchase, they did their best to serve us...
off to more shopping @ far east... found a few nice salons on the higher levels where the prices are pretty good n worth trying.. rachel going back to the one with cute guys to get her hair rebonded next week. too bad she's going on a wkday, if not can go "accompany" her :Psun @ expo
mum had a day off so we went off to expo for the fairs... there were abt 5/6 fairs @ expo dat weekend (thz to the imf event @ suntec, expo had the chance to make big bucks tis sep)... was reluctant to actually enter the food fair coz u wld stink when u got out... h/r there werent much books for me to buy @ the books warehouse sale n was kinda hungry so decided to venture in..
dessert! yummy~~
there were more cooked food than food pdts compared to the last fair i went to... less unique new food pdts to buy n try out... ate a lot of food there, bought chinese sausages, noodles, kuey pie tee, tako balls n the best mango dessert ever... bought some jap curry mix n mushroom crisps...
me in the q for the kong bah bao, damn long~~
10:50 PM star light star bright... Y
Monday, September 04, 2006
comex 2006
went down to comex @ expo again on sunday to check out the cameras with cherine... didnt buy anything on day 1 coz it was mostly browsing n checking out prices n collecting brochures... did help my colleagues buy memory cards for hp n a ipod nano (p.s. nano veri cheap, onli $199 but with uob credit card, also managed to get a free silicon casing set for the nano coz salesperson misled us into tinking it was a free gift n px was 199 but didnt mention that it didnt come with it @ 199 px ;p)
the crowds n the balloons
battle of digicams
after comparing px n model on reviews on the internet... roughly knew wat i was looking for. h/r wasnt really sure i needed a new cammy coz the old one was still functioning except it was abit bulkly n slow... in the end bought a new cammy coz pz was really gd on the last day, cost $459 originally on day 1 plus 1gb sd card but we managed to get it at $420 with 2gb sd card... it was 6megapix n had a 2.5 display screen. pretty gd buys, so much cheaper that my old cammy n so much slimmer :)
new cammy casio z60 (luckily can fit into the new spare crumpler pouch i bought earlier on ;p)
was at the fair fr 1plus to 7 coz we were waiting for my bro to come coz one of the sales at the casio counter was his fren's gf so maybe can help us get better px... not sure whether everyone got gd px but she was pretty helpful so help her earn some commission loh...
other things i bought...cute pinky cd-r, screen protector for cammy, shuffle silicon case
lucky draw prize tis yr is a car!! so generous rite??? but abit diff to get coz so many pple bought so many things, macham foc like dat... esp laptops, soooo cheap... prefer expo venue coz it was not as cram as suntec n plenty of resting place n no human jams trying to get to the venue itself...
7:20 AM star light star bright... Y