Tuesday, July 18, 2006
desaru durian trip 150706
had a really nice trip to desaru n jb last sat, it felt like those school excursion in sec sch... it was organised by our company so we had to only pay ard $30++ for the trip whereas $30 will be sponsored by the company...
had to gather at times centre @ 7.15am so me decided to get up early n left the hse ard 6am... my bus came pretty fast and since there were hardly anybody boarding the bus, the journey onli took 30min instead of the usual 45 so got by the time i got to tc, it was onli 6.30am!! ;p... luckily me quite familiar with the security guards n chatted with the 2 of them n ate breakfast at the guardhse while waiting for the rest to arrive...tour guide n bus arrived early ard 7am but onli a few had arrived.. juz then kim also arrived so we decided to go chope some nice seats for the group of us... my partner angelia :P
went off ard 7.40 and since there werent any jams at the customs, we were in m'sia ard 8plus 9... bus dropped us off st jb to hv breakfast at our own expense aft which the others popped over to the shop selling local pdts to shop... me decided not to get any coz i thot they would drop us off somewhere later to get it or i can get at jusco later dat day but big mistake! so didnt managed to get anything for my colleagues ;p
continued our journey up north to desaru area which took us nearly 2hrs so most of us fell "unconscious" along the way... me took a little nap but woke up later on n chit chat with the others as well as took candit shots of pple sleeping ;p
reached destination ard 11am where we alighted to have an early lunch at a small restaurant out of no where... the other group which departed from times printers joined us so we had 8 tables of pple.. lunch was not bad coz we had seafood such as fish, crabs n even baby lobsters... tink our company really cheapo coz we brought along our own f&n can drinks (4 cartons) to drink during lunch n dinner and the restaurants didnt even mind n gave us extra glasses n ice for them :P
aft lunch, we headed off to a temple in a really kampong area. the temple itself was pretty simple except for a huge statue of the goddess of mercy... spent most of them taking pictures there instead..lunch time...
baby lobsters!!
retro shot of road outside restuarant.. happened that an antique looking beetle passed by making this shot really nice ;p
temple visit
goddess of mercy
next stop, ostrich farm which was ran by a singaporean... not a huge farm n a basic one but at least we could get up close n personal to the ostriches. there were even a few who were allowed to roam freely... while the guide there was trying to explain to us abt the birds, we were all busy taking pics with the ostriches to take notice ;)... even got to feed them with dried corn... while trying to take picz with an ostrich, it suddenly moved its head towards me as if it was gonna peck me... concluded that ostriches like me :P... they had a really small sourvenir shop but nothing much to buy except stationery made with their feathers as well empty egg shells n scary ostrich bah kuah...
ostrich farm
me n baby ostriches
the group
the ostriches love me.. arh~~
baby ostrich hatching (1 day old n heard it takes a few days to get out of the shell)
finally the desaru fruit farm next... the weather was so hot in the ealier part of the day esp at the ostrich farm but when we got there, it started pouring!! so we had trouble going round to look at the fruit trees etc.. luckily i brought my umbrella with me (but didnt use much coz lend to the others while taking picz n me running ard in the rain to tke picz for the others also ;p)... since our tour was interrupted, we spent most of the time there taking pics at the really nice koi pond till the rain subsided... not much fruit at the visitors area. most of the fruits were at the main farm areas n we didnt really go to those parts...
desaru fruit farm
our guide at the farm
eva n angelia at the koi pond :)
pop on the bus back to the entrance area where they had shops n "restaurant" area for our buffet.. but 1st, had to listen a talk abt the honey they harvested from the bees they kept in the plantation itself.. pretty clever of them coz not only do these bees help to pollinate the fruit trees, they also produced honey for the farm owners. h/r the honey they sold were very ex, ard rm60 and the better ones can go up to rm138...and to imagine there were really some pple who bought them!... anyway the rest of us who werent interested headed off for our buffet.
venue for durian buffet
the spread wasnt really nice when we go there coz most of the fruits they served were cut n served in small portions n they look as if they have been there for a while... however when the rest joined in, the staff brought out crates of durian n opened them up on the spot to serve us... think our table ended up taking the most, tink one crate full of it.. (most of it eaten up by felicia's bf though ;p).. they also had bee hoon, curry n durian paste with glutonous rice for those all us who were really hungry... durians galore~~
part of the group fr hr n admin
drove 2hrs back to jb city area to go shopping at the newly opened jusco aeon tebrau city... didnt sleep along the way so caught up with the others while my partner slept on ;p...by the time we reached there, we had onli an hr to shop n judging fr the size of the shopping centre, we didnt have time to walk fr one end to the other at all! ;p aeon tebrau city at jb

the shopping centre look really nice like those in kl but we really had to rushed thru n i didnt really buy anything except some choco n bubble gum n donuts at the end. my partner managed to get 2 tops though... our group was late abt 15 min n last few to get back to the bus... so sad rite, couldnt even go check out on the contact lens which i was planning to buy...was rushed off for dinner but not b4 we got stuck at a T junction where the traffic light was down n no one side is willing to give way so in the end every one jammed up in the middle...the pple in our bus got really "excited" n started making a commotion on board n telling the driver to horn etc... in the end, after much squeezing n horning, managed to get pass to everyone's delight... dinner was also quite heavy with seafood, chicken etc... tink we spent most of the time eating on this whole trip ;p...
dinner time
tour kakis from accts at tc it was finally home sweet home aft dinner... there werent any jam at the causeway back so managed to enter sg by 9plus... but back at the checkpoint, the daughter of one irritating staff at tc kena caught for bringing bubble gum back... actually most of us bought some back she really suay suay loh coz me n my partner (esp my partner who bought quite a few n got checked but they didnt find it) who were directly behind her didnt get caught, they didnt even checked me ;p...
reached tc ard 10plus, lilian offered a free ride back on cab coz she was taking cab anyway... :))
overall nice trip for all :)...btw forgot to mention our bus number came up starters on sunday but me didnt buy. mum saw it while i was showing her the pics n niam me for not telling her coz she said she would hv bought $2 which will win $500 ;p
8:25 PM star light star bright... Y
Saturday, July 15, 2006
You Are 60% Girly |
You're a little girly, a little boyish, and probably a whole lot indie.You have your own unique style, and it pretty much defies gender lines. |
12:10 AM star light star bright... Y
Thursday, July 06, 2006
no title ;p
got my cammy back oredi, it was fixed by monday so took another half day off on wed to pick it up. h/r tis time round it was aft the closing so took the afternoon off to go shop abit at spotlight which was hving a sale...
cammy functioning but always find abit of wierd things with it aft repairs, the 1st time round the casing seems to be abit loose n 2nd time round, the casing was perfectly fine but the auto viewing button doesnt seem to be working? i hve to on the cammy b4 i can view it the photos whereas previously, i could juz press the photos playing button n i can view? actually noticed it when i collected it but i assume it could be due to weak battery ;p...
anyway, cammy given another 3mths warranty so hopefully any defects (touch wood) will show b4 it dues again...
gonna save up for a new cammy... mine's nearly 2yrs old. even though the photos turn out to be nice, it seems to have problems easily unlike my bro's nikon n canon which had nvr gone for repairs despite being 1yr plus older then mine... tinking of getting a smaller n slimmer cammy which is easier to bring ard at the comp fair at the end of the yr...
took some pics but stupid pc at hm is spoilt...
1:10 PM star light star bright... Y
Saturday, July 01, 2006
nothing to talk abt this week coz mostly closing n lotsa ot throughout... managed to finish most of the closing by thurs nite so took half day off in the morning on fri to bring my cammy down for repairs b4 the 3 mth warranty runs out...
still had to get up early coz must reach work by 1.15 n had 2 places to go. 1st stop, gateway (forgot east or west) near bugis to get my cammy fixed. lady there said that it was still under warranty which i got when i got when i replaced my ccd? (no idea wat it is ;p) 2mths plus back n now they were gonna replace the whole lens for my foc... but have to wait for the parts to be available. hope it gets repaired soon coz going for my durian tour soon... onli took a few mins juz to bring it down n pass it to them (veri idiotic rite, everytime have to take half day leave juz to go down to repair n another half to collect)...
the supposed "hot air balloon" near bugis for tourist to get onto this sorta platform while the balloon is suspended in the sky at one spot onli...
managed to find a bus that goes down to raffles area from gateway so saved me the trouble of walking all the way back to the mrt.. had to go to the arcade to get my free movie ticks which i won fr cleo... dun even remember i participated in any ;p... too bad it wasnt the issue when i tried to sms in for air ticks n holiday ;p... anyway, their collection hrs also during wkdays n office hrs so at least my half day wasnt really wasted...
my ticks, can watch at any cinema except when they hv "no free list" stated
strolled ard the area at the shops n those inside the mrt for a while since managed to get everything done by 10plus... manage to get some things at the accessory shop inside the mrt n decided to go off to bishan to continue shopping n hv lunch coz theres a bus which goes to my workplace there...
did lotsa shopping there, bought a clover necklace fr pacing luck (dunno whether real coz nowadays theres so many shops claiming their clover is real but the clovers look so different? the on i got looks totally diff fr the one i bought at the concourse but wat much cheaper, half the px), got handphone accessory (again, hv so many of them but onli one phone to hang them ;p), a cute strawberry handphone cushion to put in the office (mini toons had this whole new range of strawberry pdts ranging fr cushions to handphone accessory to tissue box holder), keychains n bracelet fr precious moments (having 50% sale on selected items)..
new hanpdhone holder :P (p.s. pictures taken with my hp)
spent too much time shopping until last min realised i had little time to hv lunch. ended up hving jap satay bento (forgot wat it is called) at the basement b4 rushing to work...
didnt evn do ot yesterday, veri relaxing fri :))
12:00 PM star light star bright... Y